Friday, February 11, 2011

My Birthday.

Last week it was my 38th Birthday,in which the kids had forgotten,but I really didn`t care,as you get older Birthdays don`t seem to mean to much,well to me hey don`t....
I see it as another step or year closer to my gorgeous Son up in Heaven......another step up that magic stair case to the Golden or Pearly Gates!

I`am so luck that he comes to visit,I know in my heart it`s my Son....i truly believe that the After life can make contact with us,n many ways,but you need to keep an open mind,I here my Son call my name,& i know this sounds crazy,but I have spoken to many people about this and it does happen!
I was laying in bed the morning of my Birthday & my bedside table lamp was flashing like crazy....the more I talk to it the more it flashes,like the room was filled with an electric energy or excitement!

I don`t really like Birthdays as such,as I know I`am getting old.....but the fact that one day in the not so near future...I will be taking that journey to another light plain.....A Heavenly Place.

i will be looking forward to seeing my Son Brendan & my Nanna-Grace,who was the only true Mother figure in my life,I miss these two like no tomorrow.

I believe in in The After Life...
I believe in Angels & my guides.xx