Thursday, March 31, 2011

In the garden.

The other day I just felt like being outside,so I took off to Bunnings Warehouse to pick out some new plants for our small front garden,got some roses,Mother`s Days flower`s some kind of yellow flower that looks like a Lilly,it was nice to have my kids help pick the colours out at the shop.
It took me 3 hours to bloody pull out all the weeds & long grass,but I was so happy with what I achieved by myself with no one to help me out.
I still have a few more improvements to make,some finishing touches,but I did manage to get a sleeping Angel,Butterfly`s & a green frog to sit in the amount the plants.
I like to work out doors,like to look after the Garden,my hubby doesn` t have the time.....but I love my Roses the best & love when the flower`s bloom & the colours look like a pastel rainbow.
It helps me to relax,and get some fresh air & knowing I did something special makes me feel good.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Worldly Events-tragedy & sadness.

Over the last few months the World has had,floods,fires, many people have lost their lives and everything they have ever very depressing turning on the tv or radio & hearing of these events.
My family & I were horrified at the Japan quake as we watched it live on tv....we had never witness anything as bad as that in all my life.
The Tsunami was heart breaking,people didnt even realise what was going on......
"Mother Nature-sure is angry with some of us.....wonder when this is going to end?.....
Our family sends out prayer`s to all that have been caught up in all this horrific disaster.....

I can`t help to want to keep my family & children close to me.....scared of  loosing them now in the event that something happens closer to home.
We try to remain positve,but you can never say never now.......
We can live in hope that all this sadness will pass.....& Earth can recover.....maybe we need to treat our Earth with more respect!
You can`t help to feel a little scared.