Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trying to stay focused.

I`ve come to realise that no matter how much I try,things don`t work out that well when a teenager is involved.
I think it`s time for me to let go....let  people  take their own path in life whether they make good choice or not,I can`t go on with all this worry & stress.
My own heath is suffering now,feeling so out of control & very run down.....
I need to pull myself together for my other young children`s sake,I need to be the best Mum I can be.
I hope life can become happier for me,so sick of being in a desperate state,and so down with Depression.

I have a special person in my life,my Niece Cathy,she is wonderful,always looking out for me.....she has a very special place in my heart.
I so need to focus on getting a smile back on my face!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely do need to focus on yourself hun. Teenagers are strange little people. I am CONSTANTLY banging my head against the wall in regards to my 16 yr old. I remember what it was like to be that age so I do have some sympathies toward him but he still needs to have respect. Your son will be fine. He will go out in the big wide world full of the lessons you have taught him in life. I hope he is always safe and I am sure he knows how much he is loved by you. I hope he doesn't take too long to find his path in life and come back to you a more mature minded young man. Hugs honey xx
